Welcome to Suffolk Filmapp

Screen Suffolk uses FilmApp to manage film applications. The system asks you to register yourself, and the production you are working on. You can select this existing production next time you log in, or, if you are working on a new production, enter those details. 

The idea is to let us know the details of all the separate shoots you need in your application, one by one. Once you have agreed to the terms and conditions, and submitted your application, you will receive an acknowledgement by e-mail. If the application is successful, you may be asked to pay a fee before your permit is issued.

FilmApp allows Screen Suffolk to issue permits on behalf of all the district councils (and country council) in Suffolk, speeding up the permission process. FilmApp is currently used to help film makers and council officers in many cities in the UK and USA. The user gets a dashboard which allows them to manage all their various film permit applications from start to finish.

We are very keen indeed to hear from FilmApp users, if you have any suggestions about the system, or if you would like to find out more details, please get in touch. support@apply4.com


Unit C – 57-59 Great Suffolk St, London SE1 1YB   TEL: 0207 620 0391   EMAIL: info@filmfixer.com   (Filmfixer Ltd)   Registered in the UK   No: 6785834 VAT  No: 980 5526 03